SCHOOL BADGEwebbadge.jpg

Canterbury Cross

The School’s emblem is the very distinctive and attractive Canterbury Cross. It provides a symbolic link with Canterbury, the city to which pilgrims have, throughout the ages, journeyed in search of life more abundant.

Canterbury being an age-old destination for pilgrims seeking life more abundantly, the badge symbolizes people – in this case our pupils – setting out on a journey in search of fullness of life.


Vitam abundantius habere

The Latin motto means: “To have life more abundantly”.

Derived from a verse in the Bible, in the New Testament book of John (10:10), ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.’

The school is, therefore, committed to striving to ensure that all its pupils – not only the talented, gifted or popular ones – can have life more abundantly.


Red and White

The colours of the school are RED and WHITE, with navy-blue as a background. Symbolically, both colours represent newness and abundance. Red is associated with a healthy physical life and white with purity of mind and spirit, and suggests mental and spiritual health; thus the school colours symbolize abundance of life in body, mind and spirit.

As a school, we aim to assist our pupils to grow and develop in body, mind and soul.


Butler, Graaff, Paton, Stuttaford

Names of South Africans who have, in different ways, contributed towards other people in this country being able to have life more abundantly. These include the fields of literature, politics, education, business and social welfare.


The school song elaborates on the school’s motto in that it expresses the wish that all at Edgemead High – and all mankind – may experience the joys of the world of nature and the fullness of life that comes from a healthy body, an inquiring mind and searching soul.

The words to our School :

Come, let us join and sing

Of this our proud high school

Where all in word and deed to cling

To this our steadfast rule:


May all at Edgemead High

In nature’s bounty share,

Taste all the joy of ear and eye

in this our land so fair:


To us and all mankind

A sense of joy and awe,

Great strength and health in limb and mind,

A faith that high shall soar:



Words:  Dr M. Venter (founder Principal)

Music:  Miss Bresler (adapted in 2012 by Mr Gale)